Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beer Run~~

Please do not let the title alarm you...haha

We here at Moody, more specifically CULBY 6, have certain traditions that we like to uphold and so we have Beer Run's periodically throughout the semester. Root Beer runs that is...

We also have to dress pretty ridiculously for these outings...But I think I'm getting too old for this~

Here is a group shot of some of the guys on my floor...and yes some are younger than JOSHUA!

Certainly much different from what I remember when I first went to College...
But nevertheless, the experience is definitely one to remember!!

I would love to hear about your "College" experiences so please comment!!!


  1. puhahah u sure do look ridiculous! dint have any beer runs but we had midnight runs...were they called midnight runs? or was it undies run?? anyways ppl would go running in their undies before finals..i think it was before finals... and wait i think it was midnight scream?? when u get to scream before finals at midnight?? or not but u got to scream before finals or midterms was it hahahah mayn im horrible at this...its been too long...

  2. Oh my, this is hilarious!!! I love the outfit, what is with the pleather boots?? Too funny! My college experience was a little different, we definitely didn't have ROOT BEER runs! My experience was a little more risque... :-)

  3. you should elaborate on what "Risque" means...hahaha
