Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Intramural Basketball...

So being back in school comes with the perks of being back on meal plans, having a gym at your disposal, and of course, intramural leagues!!!

I forgot how much I missed organized team sports! I also realized how out of shape I am trying to run with these young guys!! haha

But in any case, being at Moody adds an interesting spin to competition because everyone is so respectful and well-mannered. This was a little bit hard to get used to being from PHILLY and being a prolific trash talker myself! haha I mean these guys are the most encouraging bunch of guys I've ever met on the court. They cheer for everything, I mean everything. And even if you cost the team the loss, they give madd love on you anyways...not that I was ever THAT guy...

To be honest, its still weird not being able to be talk some dirrrty talk but at the same time its definitely a blessing to be here and get to play in intramural leagues.

We lost our basketball playoff game tonight 23 - 19. It was a well fought battle and everyone played hard. If my old self came out I would have been in the REF's faces for calling such a horrible game...But I won't complain!!

I guess I just have put that past me and look forward to crushing homers in our upcoming co-ed softball league!!

College...its just soo much fun!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Anger Management...

This one goes out especially to ANGRY DANIEL!!! hahahahaha

So in class my professor was lecturing on the biblical principles of anger and anger management.
I'm not gonna go into too much detail with regards to what he shared but...

Its probably safe to assume that everyone that is reading this blog, at one point, struggled with some sort of instance that resulted in you acting out in ANGER.

Needless to say, I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight, and moreover, I'm sure it wasn't your most proudest moment, right?

Well I took away from the class three really insightful questions we can ask ourselves when anger seems to be peaking its ugly head out...I pray that the contemplation of these questions will result in more reconciled and peace-filled relationships!!

1) Is it worth it? - This question alone should dispell your intention to react because most of the time its probably not worth the fight.

2) Why not rather be wrong? - In my experience, often times anger spurs out of the desire to prove your own point or to be right...or not to lose.

3) Is this incident out of God's control? - Lastly, this one just explains that whatever the situation may be, its not to the point where you have to take matters into your own hands...God's got it under control.

I found these three questions really penetrating my heart as I placed myself back in a situation where I lashed out in anger. Had I known these questions then, I think it would have made a huge difference in how I chose to react...

Hope this helps you~ Have an amazing day!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A bit easier said than done...

I'm beginning to realize that this blogging thing is gonna definitely be a discipline to say the least!
Let's hope week two is much better than week one!!

I've got lots to do, but this week I want to focus on prayer and finding me some good old fashioned QT time with my creator!!

God Bless everyone and have a blessed week!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



click play and leave comments after you watch!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Simplifying Life"

It's amazing when one actually begins to blog, just how many things happen in a single day. As I sit here to write about the day or thoughts or ramblings that have flowed through my mind, I am at a loss because I am having difficulty re-tracing my steps of events that have happened only hours ago. 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 365 days in a year...man, that's a lot of time!

I was always one who was fascinated with statistics that show what happens every second, minute, hour, and day in this world. To think that millions of babies are being born, billions of pounds of food are consumed, and not to mention a ridiculous amount of hours spent watching T.V. So much is happening yet I wonder what I'm doing in contribution to all that is going on?

And of course its a given that a lot of the things that happen in the life of a person are certainly trivial and not important to make detailed note of, but I wonder if we were all better able to chronicle our day to day lives, just how much insight we can gain in retrospect looking back on all that has happened and all that we've considered important enough to share?

With all that said, I am beginning to understand that sometimes even the simplest of observations may carry a profound foresight into why we've become who we are...

Makes me look forward to when I am old and gray, to see what was once important in my life.

I bet I'll probably laugh aloud at how complicated I seemed to make things when life is best enjoyed in its simplicity...

On that note...

"Simplifying Life" seems to be a good theme to label this juncture in life now. Living what was once a hectic life of hustle and bustle, doing this and then doing that, I've succumbed to the life of relative peace that is of a student. I say relative, because once the term nears its end, this seemingly tranquil environment will turn into a viscous frenzy of students pulling all-nighters, taking final exams, writing papers, and giving presentations!

Just the thought of it gives me chills down my spine. I'm definitely lacking confidence and doubting whether or not I still have what it takes to come out on top, but I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there, and then meet you all here to tell you how it went!

In any case, I don't think that life was intended to be complicated. In fact, I know that I have made some ill-fated decisions that have only attributed to complicating my life in great measures and I believe I am still feeling the repercussions of some the mistakes of my youth even now.

But when I was younger I wasn't thinking about the future as much as I am now! I didn't think that my actions then could possibly affect me as much years later in my life. It was all about "Carpe Diem" "Life is short, play hard!" "You've only got one life to live" and things like that! You know what I mean?

Now I find myself regretting the fact that I didn't finish school when I was supposed to, or at least developed a better eating habit and a healthier lifestyle so that I am not struggling with weight issues, or have maintained a savings account so that if and when God introduces me to my wife I wouldn't come to her broke.

Well they say you shouldn't cry over spilled milk, but its an amazing thing when you realize that a small sacrifice now, completely benefits the outcome of your life later.

I suppose I am grateful for the revelation now in my life and so as they say, its always better late than never. But I will bid you all adieu from today's ramblings as I sit in wonderment of what life would have been like had I chosen alternate routes.

I guess that's why I've always loved the "choose your own adventure" books when I was a kid. If I didn't like the ending that I chose, I could have simply gone back and gone the other way...

hahahaha~ It's funny how not much has changed in all these years!

Monday, March 23, 2009

From a "B" to an "A"

Much of today was spent on getting back into the swing of coming back to school from spring break. Often times, vacation ends up being both a blessing and a curse because it's so difficult to transition back from a "vacation" state of mind.

The second half of this semester seems as though it will be challenging so I hope to stay on top of all of the course work laid ahead of me. As much as the vacation was nice, its go time now and time is definitely not a luxury for me to say the least!!!

Coming back to from break also commences the beginning of a new chapter in my life with regards to opportunities and experiences. I hope that my life will begin to reflect a "faith in action" way of living where my actions begin to speak louder than my words. And being usually the one with lots to say, this is a very BIG step towards betterment...I hope! haha

I shall leave you all with an observation I made today in class.

I was given back a paper in which I had worked very hard at. The grade I received reflected the opinion of our seasoned professor who thought that I deserved a B+. Now if that is the final opinion of our professional scholar, then who am I to argue that assessment?

That seems to be a common attitude we all take when life dishes out whatever it deems you're worthy of. Many just take it and accept that to be the only answer and continue on with life without confidence to go against the grain or to challenge the "popular" opinion. Or otherwise understood as hopelessness.

I suppose when going up against the so-called "experts" of the field there isn't much edge-wise we can contribute to help make our argument worthy of examination. So often times, I feel as though we take ourselves out of the battle before it even begins.

I wasn't satisfied with my grade. I worked hard on the assignment given and I knew that I deserved an A. And although I also knew that if I were to boldly challenge the intellect of my professor I would potentially be setting myself up for major humiliation I wanted at least justification as to why I was given a B+. So humiliation was a price I was willing to pay.

Turns out, the professor made a mistake and asked me to correct a few things and turn the paper back in so that I can be given full credit for the work that I had accomplished.

I could have just as easily walked out of that class, paper in hand, accepting what was given to me and never look back. I would have avoided confrontation and rejection, a B+ is still a B+, and I should have just been grateful for given at least that, right?

But an A is sooo much better!

Sometimes the difference between a "B" and an "A" is just a little bit of confidence mixed with the affirmation that your intention is to seek after the truth...

That road, although seemingly painful at times, pays you back with greater dividends!

Looks like the second half of school is not gonna be so bad after all. :-)