Monday, May 11, 2009

T-minus one day...

So I am unexpectedly heading back to Philly to take care of some stuff tomorrow...

I have a final in the morning, and then I will have to take care of whatever loose
ends I have on campus before I head out to the airport tomorrow afternoon...

Gosh, so much to do with so little time...

When am I going to write to you all about what "PROJECT DANNY" is all about??!?!?

Well if you guys can, please continue to pray for me as I have a HUGE New Testament final tomorrow at 10am that would be greatly appreciated.

I'll be home in Philly for the rest of the week and will jump right back into the Summer Session in Chicago the following Monday....

I have to keep on telling myself...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

Peace out everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i wanna read some music!!!! hahaha hope all is well homeslice. imma play some golf with your bro tomorrow. wish you were here!
